Procedure for new ambassadors:

  1. Cooper will invite you to access the:
    • Trello board (for allocating tasks)
    • Google doc folder (for drafting campaign text, manuscripts, etc)
    • Slack workspace (for real-time/async communication)
    • Github organisation
  2. Log in to platform using ORCID (to go on mailing list), pledge to as many campaigns as feel comfortable
  3. Familiarise yourself with each of these platforms/documents
  4. Introduce yourself on Slack in #general channel, join any other channels of interest
  5. Watch + Star the FOK platform and documentation repositories on github
  6. Download FOK badge and add to any upcoming presentations (e.g. poster/talk) or websites you own

Ways to support the project:

  • Present a talk at your lab and/or institution
  • Add a FOK slide at end of your presentations (field-specific talks too!)
  • Commit to sign up one colleague every week for X weeks
  • Ask guerilla questions at conferences (e.g. “as a leader in your field, have you taken any actions to correct bias in the scholarly publishing system?”)?